Saturday, 24 February 2007

Jester, Jennifer and Maternity Rights: A Postscript

I just thought I would like to update my readers (all 2 of them - thanks Gareth and Charlie) on an issue I covered a week or so ago. Goodwill Jenny had a meeting with HR and our Customer Service Manager on Wednesday to discuss changing her shift pattern. She had already been allowed to leave work an hour early on the Monday to ensure her young daughter got to bed on time and she left the meeting feeling optimistic. On Wednesday evening, she went home at her usual time (her fiancé is at home on Wednesdays and their daughter is usually a good girl for him). The little minx poked her head round the door to check her Mum had got home but there were no problems putting her to bed. On Friday she was told that she could change her shift pattern and when she passed the news onto me you should have seen her little face! So all's well that ends well. I just wish they could have done this back in November.

She starts her maternity leave in four weeks and our managers have finally asked her to train other Admin staff on her duties. I know that we are going to miss her. She is a very capable young woman and accomplishes a great deal in the time she's at work. She is also very determined and has a strong will, which she needs in her job because of the many little squabbles with the Complaints Department at our sister company over which side should deal with which complaints. I get the feeling our side is going to be lumbered with more complaints than we should be after she leaves. Well, only time will tell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now see, that's the sign of a good blogger - giving her audience what they want, even if it does only consist of two people (although I'm sure that's not the case). Three cheers! Hurrah! and other Enid Blyton-esque exclamations!