Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Jester, Delusions and Health Visitors

I closed a complaint yesterday. Actually, I probably closed more than one but this one was significant. It had posed me a really difficult question. At what point does an untruth become a lie?

The point is, this particular customer has mental health problems and is delusional and I really did not know what to believe and what to disbelieve. Some of it was hard, proven fact. Like the damage caused to her property by our contractors. Some of it was in her head and not a matter of fact at all - she claims to be a psychological profiler for the police.

I honestly believe that she believed everything she told me but it made it so difficult for me to sift truth from delusion and therefore deal with her complaint. In the end, I gave up. We sorted out the physical damage, some of which may not have been caused by our contractors and I made a gesture of goodwill for the inconvenience etc.

Well, this got me thinking yesterday. I was trying to work out if some of the claims she had made were based in fact. For instance, one where she said that the contractors had sneaked up to her door, pushed a card through and then legged it for the van and driven off at speed so they wouldn't need to go in and do any work.

I don't think that is normal behaviour for our engineers. They don't get paid as much if they don't go in the house and money is a ruling motive for us all. Then I remembered our Health Visitor from all those years ago. She used to do the same thing. We'd be pottering around the house and we'd hear the letterbox go. The card would be on the doormat saying she'd called but nobody had been at home. That brought a wave of nostalgia although why I should feel nostalgic about somebody who wanted nothing to do with me or my children, I don't know.

Well, to bring this pointless blog to an end. I plucked a figure out of the air and offered it to her as a gesture of goodwill. She asked me to increase it by a certain amount and I did, readily. The complaint is now closed but I do get the impression she will ring me again. I think she enjoyed our chats. I know I did and she's a lovely lady, delusional or not. She's going to send me some of her poems as a thankyou and I'm really looking forward to receiving them. I will treasure them for the rest of my life.

Oh and by the way. She wasn't lying. She believed every word she told me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We've experienced the old "card through the door instead of ringing the bell" trick too. As you said, I don't really understand the point of it. In our case, it was a delivery man from a major courier company. He only had to ring the bell and hand me a box, but I saw him pull up outside and sit there for five minutes before re-starting his van. I quickly opened the front door and got his attention. He gave me a pissed-off look and then had the cheek to say that he rung the doorbell three times!